The Blue Giraffe Infant Program

The Blue Giraffe Infant Program

The Blue Giraffe Infant Program

Program Highlights

A calm, gentle environment awaits your infant, where nurturing staff care for you little one according to your wishes.

The Blue Giraffe has an Infant Room for children between the ages of 6 weeks and approximately 12 months. Infants are in their own room which is equipped exclusively for their age and development. We have one staff member for every four children.

Our program includes sensory-motor activities, small and gross motor activities, language development, art and music.

We have an array of carefully chosen infant toys to develop eye-hand coordination, problem solving, and fine motor skills.

Included in our program are self-help strategies ranging from being able to hold a bottle, to independence in eating. We will go outdoors each day, as long as the weather permits.

Each day, we will carefully record fluids, food, naps, and diapering on our Infant Information sheets for you to take home. We will always write a note on them to inform you of your child’s disposition, and any newsworthy event of the day.